Below you will find a list of our recently published newsletters.
In the March newsletter we focus on the role that wives play in helping to support a happy marriage and also look at the rise of Atheism in America.
Click to open the March edition of the Agape Love Way Newsletter.
In keeping with January being Poverty Awareness month we use our February newsletter to address the issue of the Church's role in dealing with the issue of caring for the poor. What are the church's responsibilities, and what are the limits to such help.
Click to open the February edition of the Agape Love Way Newsletter.
January was Financial Wellness awareness month and in keeping with that theme we looked at strategies to help Christians make better financial plans such as getting out of credit card debt and saving towards their retirement.
Click to open the January edition of the Agape Love Way Newsletter.
What does Christmas really mean to you. For us it is about celebrating the iconic birth of our Lord and Saviour, and looking with joy at his second coming. Also we feature a special article of the powerfully-inspiring story of a former college football star. Read on to find out more.
Click to open the December edition of the Agape Love Way Newsletter.
We've all heard that bad things do happen to good people, but what about Godly people. Why should or indeed why do they experience sufferings? We have a very interesting article that can answer some of those questions. In addition, in this world of changing moral values just how do we grow up a young man to be God-fearing? Read on...
Click to open the November edition of the Agape Love Way Newsletter.
In this month we publish the follow-up article on marital relationships, by exploring the issue of what every husband should know about his wife. We also cover an important topic on saving towards your retirement. Surprisingly too many Christians are ill-prepared for that phase of their lives.
Click to open the October edition of the Agape Love Way Newsletter.
In this inaugural edition of our newsletter we cover an inspired biblical perspective on failure. Many of us understand the criteria for success, but what about failure. What warning signs do we need to observe to avoid this scenario. Secondly we introduce the issue of what every wife should know about her husband. Don't worry wives the husbands will get their list next month.
Click to open the September edition of the Agape Love Way Newsletter.
We are always delighted to hear from you if one or more of these articles proved to be an inspiration to you. May GOD continue to richly bless you even as you read these
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